Get a quote now!

Dididocs always aims to give you the most accurate quote possible, with no hidden extras.

Your quote

For complete transparency, Dididocs has three different cost categories, each of which are relative to the time and complexity of preparing and scanning these documents. This allows the Dididocs team to provide you with accurate quotes, based on the information you provide, with no hidden extras.

All documents are categorised during the preparation stage, prior to scanning so that an accurate price can be calculated upon completion of scanning.

You can used the tool below to give you a free estimate, but we understand it can be difficult to judge just how many documents you have, so we are more than happy to give you a call to discuss your requirements and how we can help.

Category 1

Individual loose leaf A3, A4 and A5 pages without any staples, fastenings, bindings, paper clips etc.

Category 2

Documents with staples, paperclips and other bindings which require removal during the preparation stage, prior to scanning.





Category 3

Mixed sized documents (e.g. receipts, brochures, business cards etc) which require specialised scanning.

* Required

Please note this tool is for estimation purposes. A written quote will be provided based on the information you provide and costs can vary depending on the categorisation of documents.